Do I need a referral for Physical Therapy?

NO, in Pennsylvania most insurance companies allow you to seek care from a licensed physical therapist with direct access credentials for a period of 30 days without a physician referral

Do you accept my insurance?

At Zang Physical Therapy, we are an out of network provider meaning the patient or client pays for their services upfront and then may be eligible for direct reimbursement from their insurance company based on their specific policy language. If you choose, you will be provided a form from the prior session’s treatment to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement.

Why out of network?

The decision to be an out of network provider was made in an effort to provide the patient the highest level of care possible. By remaining “in-network”, we must agree to regulations set forth by the insurance company designed to make them money, not provide the best care possible to the consumer. Insurance companies have continued to reduce payments to therapy providers for services and restrict the number of visits allowed to you the consumer. For those clinics choosing to be “in-network” they must abide by all policies set forth in their contract. To do this, those clinics must employ staff to handle/process all insurance claims meaning to achieve revenue goals, they must then see more patients in given time frame. If you have yet to experience this, that entails less one-on-one time between therapist and patient. Some clinics schedule patients every 30 minutes and others at 15 minutes increments. At Zang Physical Therapy, you will never be seen at that same time as any other patient. Your sessions will last about 1 hour. This way you will get the highest quality of care you deserve and full attention of your therapist, which should result in better outcomes, faster….meaning less money.

What do I need to prepare for my initial visit?

Please fill out the intake paperwork and consent forms that will be attached to your initial visit confirmation and bring them to your session, this way we can begin promptly. I understand this paperwork may seem trivial, however, it is important to let your provider know your medical history, and details you provide may offer insights to improve your quality of care you may not even realize. Please bring loose fitting clothes or layers so that you can expose skin in region of complaint. It is important to feel the tissues/muscles and see the movement in action without the barrier of clothing. 

How frequently will I need to have visits?

The goal at Zang Physical Therapy is 1-2x/wk vs. 2-3x/wk standard physical therapy, however your specific condition may require more or less frequent visits. This aspect of your care will be discussed at your initial visit.

What is cancellation policy?

We kindly request at least 24 hrs notice such that your time slot may have a chance to be filled. We recognize that unanticipated events happen, and will attempt be understanding and respectful as such. Our policy is a $50 charge for all missed appointments.

What about Medicare?

You will be required to bring a referral for physical therapy. Currently, Medicare does not permit direct access treatment. Medicare patients will follow the same payment model for care. It is our understanding you may be eligible for some reimbursement from Medicare, though we cannot guarantee this. You will be provided with necessary forms to submit to Medicare to attempt to be reimbursed. 

How can I schedule an appointment?

Call or text Andrew directly at 717-440-6197

Email at Andrew@ZangPT.com

How to choose a physical therapist

Choosing a Physical Therapist should be a little like choosing your doctor. Just like all doctors are not experts in all aspects of medicine, neither are physical therapists. As you would typically not go to your PCP for your cardiac issue, you should take stock in the PT’s background to best treat your condition. We walk away from school with the same credentials, but the similarities end there.

Below are a few tips when looking to choose who you go see for your pain or functional limitation.

#7 Advice from family/friends…certainly good referrals, but one must consider the skill set of the treating therapist. Is your condition like the one who gave you the advice? Just because a therapist is good with one condition does not mean they are good with all. Check out the reviews to see what others think. 

#6 Location….somewhat important, however, what is more important – convenience or achieving resolution of pain/function quicker? Patients drive hours to see a doctor they view as skilled so why not drive a few minutes more to the most skilled therapist you can access.

#5 Insurance…certainly important, however with rising medical costs pushed to the consumer many are paying out of pocket for therapy services anyway until they meet their high deductible plans.

#4 Recommendation from MD…In the history of medicine, patients often did not question what their MD told them. This, however, is much less common nowadays. Even when advised, it is still a good idea to do a little research. As large corporations are buying up small family practices, relationships with physical therapists are becoming lost. Why you might ask? Because the doctors are told by the corporation to refer only to PTs in THEIR system regardless of quality or skill. This is a borderline illegal practice but one that is overlooked. YOU as the PATIENT have the RIGHT to go to whoever you choose. AND if you are told otherwise, then please report this to the state board of medical examiners, and go seek the best care you know you DESERVE and have the RIGHT to.

#3 Seek a PT who you can build a relationship with…your body is likely to need a tune-up from time to time as the body ages (such is life). It is good to have that mechanic who learns/understands you so that if (when) you do need help again, they already have a working knowledge of you. This also helps to create a continuity of care that is to the benefit of the patient.

#2 Call and question their knowledge. You may be able to get a sense of the therapist’s knowledge and whether they may be able to help your issue. Feel free to call or text me for prompt service.

#1 Credentials….those initials behind their name. The DPT (or MPT if educated longer ago) signifies our entry-level degree. But those other letters, say that therapist spent time and effort to further their knowledge and education to become better at their craft. For those seeking outpatient care, receiving care from therapists who are board certified in orthopedic (OCS) or who have the designation of FAAOMPT (only 1% of profession) are likely to experience greater return of function in fewer visits (Rodeghero 2015).

Now that you have seen my list. Please let me know your thoughts. What do you feel is most important when choosing a physical therapist or any medical professional you go to see?

What is the BENEFIT of Zang Physical Therapy (out-of-network) vs a Traditional In-Network Clinic?

  1. All sessions are 1-on-1 with PT for full time selected (no hand-offs)
  2. Often only 1-2 sessions per week vs 3 sessions per week.
  3. Overall fewer sessions are necessary
  4. Decisions made based on YOUR needs vs what insurance PAYS for
  5. No surprise bills at the end of care


Traditional 3rd Party Payers

Zang Physical Therapy is considered an out-of-network provider with all 3rd party insurance companies such as Blue Cross, Highmark, Aetna, etc. This means we are not bound by their arbitrary fee structures and thus can treat clients based on their need and not what an insurance company is willing to reimburse. What this means is the client now gets all the time and attention they need without having their provider’s time divided among multiple patients in a large treatment facility.

As an out-of-network provider, we offer our clients all the necessary paperwork/documentation necessary to be able to submit the claims to the insurance company yourself. We are happy to walk you through this process and help you to understand your benefits as best we can.

For more help understanding your specific insurance coverage please contact your insurance provider. Be advised if you call twice you are likely to get 2 different responses related to coverage and will be told any information you are given is NO GUARANTEE of coverage even for “in-network” services.


Zang Physical Therapy is considered non-par provider for Medicare meaning we do not accept Medicare rules for billing/payment. This means patients pay for their treatment upfront and then Zang Physical Therapy will submit on the patient’s behalf such that they can be reimbursed directly by Medicare. If the client has a secondary insurance as well, that may also cover a portion not covered by Medicare. It is our understanding that patients are likely to get a portion of the cost of their treatment up to the allowable Medicare cap per year, however no guarantees can be made. To date, patients have been receiving their checks from Medicare within just a few weeks.

Patients will be required to obtain a script for physical therapy per Medicare guidelines.


Zang Physical Therapy is a non-par provider for Tricare. This means we are able to treat active and retired military personal and their dependents. Under this model, patients will pay for their treatment upfront within the allowable limit for charges, and then will be given paperwork to submit to Tricare for direct reimbursement. It is our understanding that patients are likely to get a percentage of their visit charge reimbursed, however no guarantees can be made.

Patients may be required to obtain a script for physical therapy per Tricare guidelines based upon your specific plan.

Conditions Treated

Learn about some of the many conditions treated at Zang Physical Therapy in Camp Hill, PA. Physical therapists can help treat more issues and conditions than you may think. We can even discover and address problems before they lead to future issues. Not only that, but if you have been living with a reduction in activity or are avoiding activity due to fear of pain, together we can set a plan in motion to assist this recovery.

Did you know? You can go directly to a Physical Therapist via DIRECT ACCESS in most cases. This means no waiting to see your PCP or an Orthopedic only to have them tell you there is nothing that can be done. No more unnecessary images, medications with harmful side effects, injections or putting the fear of surgery in your mind. Improving your quality of life is the primary goal at Zang Physical Therapy

Conditions Treated (Head to Toe)

  • Cervicogenic Headache
  • Dizziness or Vertigo
  • Balance Difficulties
  • Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ/TMD) Disorders/Pain
  • Neck Pain
  • Neck and Arm Pain (Cervical Radiculopathy)
  • Shoulder Pain
  • Frozen Shoulder
  • Sub Acromial Impingement (SAIS)
  • Rotator Cuff Dysfunction
  • Rib Dysfunction
  • Medial Elbow Pain
  • Lateral Elbow Pain (tennis elbow)
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Wrist Pain
  • Low Back Pain
  • Low Back and Leg Pain (Lumbar Radiculopathy)
  • Sacroiliac Pain/Dysfunction
  • Hip Osteoarthritis (OA)
  • Hip Labral Tear and Hip Femoral Acetabular Impingement (FAI)
  • Knee Osteoarthritis (OA)
  • Anterior Knee Pain
  • Lateral Knee Pain
  • Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS)
  • Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Sprain/Tear
  • Ankle Sprains
  • Posterior Tibialis Tendon Dysfunction
  • Achilles Tendinopathy
  • Heel Pain
  • Plantar Fascitis
  • Post Surgical

Don’t see your issue or condition listed? Do not worry, chances are we will be able to help what is stopping you from living your life as you desire. Here is the best part, call or inquire about Zang Physical Therapy’s services and you will have the opportunity to personally speak with Andrew about how YOUR issue can be addressed.