Shoulder so stiff you can’t reach

  • April 22, 2024

Is your shoulder so stiff that you can’t reach? Having trouble reaching overhead, out to the side, behind your back, or even into the back seat of the car? These are common stiff shoulder complaints by many that have several potential causes. Often people will just live with these issues for weeks or months. Very likely the issues will also disrupt people’s sleep. The only question really is how long will someone deal with the problem before they get help?

But won’t the problem just go away if I stretch?

Well, if that was the can and you have been stretching why is the problem not resolved? People often subscribe to the wait and see plan. And while for some this may work, for many it will not. More is often necessary. If it has not improved within 4-6 weeks, it is time for action.

Just want is the “more” you reference?

Great question and truly that will depend upon the cause. Remember above this issue reaching can have different potential causes. And based on the specific cause, treatment and/or recommendations are likely to change. Ultimately the goal will be to restore the stiff/limited range of motion impairing your ability to reach. BUT how you get to the end point may be different.

So, what are these different causes?

Well, shoulder issues such as adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder), subacromial pain syndrome (shoulder impingement), and age-related changes (arthritis) are all possible causes. Each of these issues are likely to have some differences in terms of treatment options though there will be items that exist for all.

What treatment options are out there?

Well, from a medical perspective if pain is bad enough an injection can be done. The purpose is to reduce the pain but likely will not miraculously solve the problem. To address the problem, one would be looking to get help from a muscle and joint specialist. This expert will implement a plan to restore range of motion via stretching, joint mobility work, and/or strengthening. The relative proportion of each is dependent on the individual and their presentation. The good news is that generally speaking quick results can be seen when working with one of these shoulder specialists.

If you are tired of having a shoulder so stiff that you can’t reach, then it is time for action. Click the following LINK to speak to a specialist today.

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