The #1 Thing to REDUCE Back Pain Today

  • September 18, 2017

Over 200 million people in this country experience back pain at some point in their life.  Millions suffer every single day with back pain and yet only a small percentage actually seek help. Isn’t it time to do something about it?

The #1 Question asked is, how do I reduce or get rid of my back pain? This is a great question so keep reading for your answer.

In order to relieve or eliminate back pain, we must 1st understand the CAUSE. And by that I do not mean what actually happened to cause the back pain (though that can be helpful information to know). By cause, I mean does the back hurt because of tight muscles, limited joint movement, possible nerve irritation, or actual fear of movement and activity. This last one is actually REAL and effects a large portion of people suffering with back pain. This part is often overlooked and under-treated.

Regardless of the EXACT cause, there are several key things that you can do right now from your own home or office to begin to relieve you back pain in minutes.

The #1 Thing to begin to ease your back pain begins with understanding that even though you may have pain, it does not mean you are harming your back or body. Yes, pain is our body’s way of telling us something is wrong, BUT it does not mean we are causing damage to our back. Our backs are strong, it is stable, and it will not fall apart with daily activity. Overcoming this FEAR (readily dispensed by the medical field in general) is necessary to take the next step.

The NEXT step, really step 1a, is MOVEMENT. Back pain persists, fear limits, and bad advice feeds the mantra of do not move a back that hurts. In TRUTH, movement holds the KEY to reducing back pain rapidly.

By moving your back and body through gentle normal movements, you can begin to unlock tight muscles and those stiff joints that feel pinchy. You can dramatically lessen those pains that may travel down your leg at times. By just moving, you promote bloodflow which helps all those things mentioned above. AND…by learning that it is safe and good to move again, you lessen the fear and anxiety of movement which is known to increase pain.

Now, each person with back pain surely has some differences. In many (most) instances though simple range of motion exercises can improve movement and reduce pain rapidly. Check out these links (one, two, three) for simple motions exercises you can do at home. The KEY with motion exercises is to stay in a comfortable range. This may mean the movement starts very small, but that is the most important part. Often your comfortable movement will increase as you do more repetitions.

Looking for even more advice or solutions for your back pain? Want a solution that does not involve medication, injections or worse surgery? If so, they grab your FREE copy of my book that has helped hundreds of people (just like you) begin to ease their back pain.