4 Things to Ease Your Knee Pain (at Home)

  • June 12, 2017

It is estimated that at least 1 in 5 people suffer with knee pain. Over 27 million individuals over the age of 45 suffer from some degree of (osteo)arthritis. People scour the internet searching for solutions or tips to ease their knee pain. They take advice from family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. Many pop pills daily and others visit doctor after doctor looking for the right answer. Then there is test after expensive test, not to mention the painful injections or maybe even surgery.

Did you know there is another, more simple way to ease your knee pain right at home?

Thats Right…these 4 things you can do TODAY, RIGHT NOW in your home to begin to ease your knee pain. And the best part is no pills, needles, or doctors appointments are necessary.

The following are in no particular order. Combining them will provide you the BEST chance to ease that knee pain.

#1 Motion- move your knee to its potential by fully bending and straightening it repeatedly. Often a knee can become stiff with lack of movement and thus become sore and achy. After a nights sleep, it is not uncommon for a “arthritic” knee to be stiff. By gently moving the knee through its motion, this stiffness can ease more quickly. No need to be aggressive; move where it feels comfortable providing a LIGHT stretch. This can be done sitting or lying down.

#2 Strengthen- improving the strength of the muscles surrounding the knee is highly beneficial to ease strain on the knee joint. Most people think of strengthening just the quads but really the hamstrings and gluteal muscles are just as important to off-load strain on the knee. It is difficult to say for sure which exercise is best for any individual in this forum. But if you are looking for examples of exercises to complete, Click HERE. If you have pain when attempting to complete then stop and consult a physical therapist.

#3 Balance- believe it or not, balance is very important for the joints in your body. Teaching the joints to read and react quickly is vital for ability to walk on uneven ground and change directions without troubles. Try balancing on one foot for at least 30 seconds. If you cannot do this without touching a nearby object, you may be someone who needs to improve your balance.

#4 Movement- this is important. As I mentioned above the body gets stiff overnight or after a period of sitting more than 30 minutes, especially as a person ages. Moving the body regularly helps keep the muscles loose and limber and the joints “oiled” up.

There you have it…

The 4 KEY things you can do at home to EASE your knee pain.

If you feel that is not enough or would like more information, then start by Clicking HERE.

One comment on “4 Things to Ease Your Knee Pain (at Home)

  1. I have been suffering from knee pain for about 3 months now and I wanted to see some ways to relieve the pain before I visit a doctor. You mentioned that movement is really important for the joints and since the body will get stiff at night it will help keep the muscle loose. That is a great tip for me to use while I look for a knee doctor.

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