A Leg Up on Staying Healthy

  • July 31, 2023

Are you interested in a leg up on staying healthy? Surely you are, but what steps are you prepared to take to make this a reality? Now you might be asking yourself, what constitutes healthy? Great question…so here is a broad sweep on the topic.

Mental health has been kind of a big topic over the last few years. Each person may have a slightly different definition of what they view as a healthy mental state. BUT what is important is finding either pleasurable activities or quiet time for yourself. Too much mental stress or anxiety can impact your physical state. Stress can create or enhance pain stimuli in the body. Thus, something that you would otherwise perceive as a minor irritation or ache will feel much greater in a state of stress. So…finding that YOU time or activity is important.

Physical health, while still complicated, can often be more easily addressed. To begin with, regular visits to your doctor. How is your blood pressure, cholesterol, etc. If they are not optimal then working with your physician is advised.

Now what about those muscles and joints? Well, should you have concerns, a muscle and joint expert can assist there. If you have any issue that has been present for more than 3-4 weeks, it is time to get it looked at. If you are waiting and hoping it will just go away – if it was going to go away on its own, it would have done so in that timeframe. The decision to wait longer will only lead to the ache or pain lasting longer. And who really wants to live in pain for weeks or months?

If you are a person not currently living in pain, great. This means you can take steps to prevent future issues. Why bother you ask? Well, addressing any tiny concern such as a stiff ankle or maybe some low back tightness, or even a small sense of weakness can prevent a small issue from becoming larger. Now I realize most folks will not do anything unless prompted by there body…so here is a mental prompt.

If you want to get a leg up on staying healthy, then action is better than reaction. Take care of yourself now so that you can feel great for years to come.