5 Ways to Achieve Your Fitness Goals This Year

  • January 2, 2023

As a new year begins, so too renewed are many individuals fitness goals. Every year people stive to achieve better health only to lose steam but a few weeks in. This often is the result of not having a plan or path to achieve. Today you will learn 5 ways to achieve your fitness goals this year.

  1. This 1st one here is maybe the most important…write your goals down. Don’t just think them, actually put them down on paper and post them somewhere you look often. In this way you will have a reminder of what you plan to achieve. The constant visual reminder you get by looking often at that piece of paper can be a vital step toward success.
  2. Write down your normal weekly schedule. Look for chunks of (unused) time that could be better spent on achieving your goals. This could be time sprinkled throughout your day that could be used for mini-exercise breaks at work or creating that time before or after work. You may think it is hard to get moving in the morning…but if you make it a habit, it will get easy quickly and become a boost to the rest of your day.
  3. Don’t forget about your sleep. There is no way to be efficient and be able to achieve your goals if you are not rested. The average adult needs 7-9 hours of good sleep to function at their best. This is time for the body to rest, recover, and reset for the next day’s challenges. Sleep will help you to have the energy necessary to attack your goals day after day. Plan for it. Follow a schedule. Make it a routine that becomes as easy as brushing your teeth.
  4. You cannot forget about the nutrition aspect. This does not mean restricting your diet immensely…or at least in most cases not. What this entails is making small changes to reduce empty calories found in sodas or lattes. It means switching out your snacks for a healthier option. It is doable and if you need help, there are great resources out there to guide you there.
  5. Focus on the 1st 6 weeks. Why 6 weeks? Because it takes that long to build new habits and routines. Once you have established your new routines they will become so much easier and spring board you toward achieve your fitness goals this year.

There is no one-size-fits-all plan to achieve your fitness goals, but this can be a rough template for you to follow. Here is wishing you all the luck as you work to achieve your fitness goals this year.