Active Seniors are Young at Heart

  • July 25, 2022

People age but the desire to continue being active seniors often remains. While the activities or vigor of said activities may not be the same, it is still possible and often beneficial more than just physically. Don’t forget about the social and mental benefits that come as a side effect of exercise. (Both of which are good by the way).

So why is it that more individuals do not remain active as they age?

A common reason is time, as in they just don’t make it. It comes down to making some time and developing the habit for the body again. Another reason often stated it injury, aches, or pains. Over time small aches or pains start to appear and people either do not address the issue or were told to stop said activity. If you couldn’t guess – I don’t subscribe the stop activity. My preference for folks is to modify while dealing with (whatever injury) and then resume…even if at a slightly different level.

I want to share a brief story to drive home the point on how activity as one ages is important.

While at indoor track practice my senior year of college an older gentleman, who I had seen before running, was also at the track. We struck up a conversation and learned he was getting ready to compete at a master’s track event in Boston in a few weeks. I told him we had just competed there ourselves a week prior. He told me, he was looking forward to competing in his race, the 200m. He was excited to be entering a new age bracket 83-85 because now he was going to “BEAT” those other old guys as the youngest in the field. I made a young person comment that it was great he was just out there being active and competing. And I will never forget his comment…”I am still out there to win.”

What I learned from him was just because a person may be older does not mean they can’t do it (though maybe slower than before). That they don’t have the internal drive (because he sure did). And that for many, the activity is a motivating force to stay young at heart.

So…get active, stay active, and keep your body feeling as young as your mind and heart tells you that you are. Active seniors can enjoy exercise just as they did years prior.