Are you on track (with your goals)

  • January 29, 2024

Now that we are about 1 month into the year, are you on track with the goals you set for yourself this year? Remember it takes about 6 weeks to create a new habit or routine. Also know that most people let go of their resolutions during this time frame. Change is hard, BUT if you want the change to be a reality…now is the time to buckle down.

Are your goals written down and put in a place you look at often? If not, do that. The visual cue to seeing your goal written down can be helpful. Next did you break your goal down into manageable pieces? For example if your goal is to lose 1


0 pounds, what steps do you plan to take to accomplish this? Are you planning to exercise more and thus burn more calories? Or are you planning to alter your diet? In truth both pieces will likely be necessary to help you achieve and maintain.

Do you have an accountability partner? You know, that person who can help to keep you on track. Maybe you are also serving the same role for them. Most people do not want to disappoint others so by having that person to help can be valuable to keep you on track.

Are you blocking time each day/week for working toward your goal? Yes, time is finite each day, but your chance of success lowers if you do not prioritize change. If you are struggling with time management, I challenge you to write down what you do every day for 1 week. Then look back for chunks of time that could be re-purposed for working on your goals. It is there if you look.

Remember, change is not easy. It takes time for change to happen. If you have been focused this first month of the year keep pushing for a few more weeks. Once you cross that 6-8 week threshold you are that much closer to creating that new healthy habit or change you desire.