Avoiding Falls in Winter (by walking like a penguin)

  • January 20, 2020

Falls are never a good thing (especially as a person ages) so…avoiding falls in winter is important. While everyone knows it is wise to avoid falls, what steps do people actually take to avoid them (short of not going outside during the winter)?

To begin with proper footwear is essential. You will want to make sure your shoes or boots have good grip. Also make sure they are laced or tied up tightly. Do not let loose shoes be a reason for falls.

Next, while standing on firm ground, lightly test any area that you may be suspicious of being slippery with the front half of your shoe. If it slides around easily, you know you will need to take extra care to avoid slipping. Make sure to do this before getting out of your car in a parking lot you suspect may be slippery.

Third, and this may be the most important point. Look to keep your body weight between your feet. This means it will be necessary to take shorter smaller steps. Long strides on slippery surfaces is the fastest way to land on the ground.

It may be worthwhile to consider the gait and balance of a penguin. These animals are adept on snow and ice by waddling with a wide base stance. While it may look funny, they are able to maintain good balance.

So, in an effort to avoid falls this winter, consider the points above.

And if you have any concern at all about your balance as a whole – it is wise to seek some guidance of a balance specialist to keep you upright and healthy.