Can Dizziness Be Related to Neck Issues

  • November 22, 2021

Dizziness is a common ailment that at times is related to neck issues. It is possible for a person to suffer dizziness related to their neck even if they do not have pain. This condition is called cervicogenic dizziness and is common in individuals who have sustained a head injury or whiplash.

Individuals suffering from this form of dizziness often report a general sense of being “off”. They comment their sense of dizziness is just present during the day, not typically provoked by any movement or action. There is usually nothing specific that will get rid of the dizzy sense either, as is typical with other forms of dizziness.

It is not uncommon for individuals with this type of dizziness to carry on this way for months or longer without resolution as the diagnosis can be challenging at times. Often many tests performed by several doctors will occur before this diagnosis is reached. The long time to diagnosis is often frustrating for the individual.

Eventually a thorough hands-on examination of the neck will be KEY to unlocking the diagnosis. A simple range of motion assessment is unlikely to shine a light on the problem. Rather the hands-on assessment is likely to influence the individual’s symptoms thus arriving at a final diagnosis.

The next step with treatment will involve some tinkering and is typical for the person to experience a temporary increase in dizziness during the treatment process. However, the alteration of dizziness during or after the treatment will help guide the treating provider to the best treatment path.

This treatment path will involve some hands-on treatments in addition to a specific set of matched exercises the person will complete at home. This at home component will be necessary for ultimate success.

Again, this person may or may not have any associated neck pain, rather they are just dizzy in normal daily life.

If you or someone you know is suffering from dizziness that has not been solved, then a 2nd (or 4th) opinion can’t hurt. A simple examination can demonstrate whether a person is suffering from cervicogenic dizziness or not. What do you have to lose? Another day being dizzy?

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