Why Early Care For Back Pain Leads To Better Results

  • November 19, 2018

Has back pain got you down?…Keeping you from enjoying the activities you want to enjoy?…Preventing you from working due to the pain? Disrupting your sleep? If so, then read on to learn how early care for back pain can lead to better and faster results.

As you might imagine seeking early care for any ailment tends to be better than the wait and see approach. AND this is especially true in regards to back pain. How so? Well, study after study after study has shown the benefits in terms of not only better and faster results but also at must less expense to the individual and health system.

What kind of care exactly are we talking about here? Literature indicates active treatments, such as physical therapy, involving exercise combined with some kind of hands-on treatment (often) leads to these improvements.

What has not been shown to be helpful is just rest and medication. Resting and waiting tends to lead to the persistence of pain and loss of mobility. AND Medication…well, that is just a band-aide. It does not really solve any problem, only masks it.

If you want an actual solution to back pain, something that 80% of the population will deal with at some point in their life, then finding a qualified PT is THE solution to your troubles.

A qualified PT will be able to discover the ROOT cause of your troubles. Then they will enact an action plan leading you back to the activities you want to be doing. No more avoiding doing those household tasks due to pain. You no longer need to skip those family outings worried about pain. And starting that exercise program to get healthier can be achieved. Not only that, but you will learn how to prevent that pesky back pain from returning.

And the best part…you DO NOT even have to see your doctor first before seeing a PT. You can have immediate access to your own PT with just one phone call.

Want more information on just how this is possible? Check out this link. Here you can get your FREE copy showing you how to Defeat Back Pain. If you are looking for something a bit more personal, then fill out this form to get a personal call back so you can ask your questions and get the answers you need. This way you can be on your way to living life again free from back pain.