Are you getting good care for your injury?

  • October 17, 2022

Any time a person has an injury or is limited they wonder if they are getting good care for their injury. Most want to believe they are getting the best, but are they really? People have a tendency to be nice, but sometimes that comes at the expense of one’s health. As a result, it is important to be proactive and seek the highest quality of care.

How can you be sure of what high quality looks like?…

Here are some tips to think about to know if you are getting the best possible care for your injury.

  • Do you spend all your time with the same provider? If the answer is YES, then that is a check mark in the positive column. If, however you bounce around to various providers that is not the best situation for recovery. Having one provider enables that one person to know your, your body’s responses, and adjust on the fly quickly when something does not seem right.
  • Are you always doing the same thing in the clinic and at home? Your time in the office should be spent assessing, adjusting, re-adjusting your program to maximize its benefits and your recovery. If you are able to walk in and do your routine without guidance really, then there are better options.
  • Can you easily reach out and get a response from your primary provider when you have questions? Do you have their personal email/phone number and are encouraged to reach out with questions? Hopefully so. There are times when you likely have questions or concerns, and you want to have them addressed quickly. If the provider is unwilling to be open access (within reason), then it might be time to look for another provider.
  • Does the provider seem to value your goals and opinions? This one might be a little harder to tell. Ask yourself, do they ask what you think at various time points? They should. Do they regularly check in on how you feel you are doing working toward your goals? They should. Your goals are my goals should be their motto.

The suggestions above can be helpful as you think about whether you are receiving the best possible care for your injury. If you are not sure whether you are getting good care for your injury, it is time to ask the question. To ask your question, click the following LINK