Is There a Good Pillow for Neck Pain

  • May 16, 2022

Have you spent hundreds of dollars searching for the right pillow? That best pillow that will finally ease that sleep disrupting neck pain. Those living with neck pain will often ask the question, is there a good pillow for neck pain? If you were to search the internet or crowdsource this question, you will likely have so many options your head will spin. Every person asked will happily provide their own non-scientific opinion (that may or may not work for you). So what are you to do?

Well…that depends on whether you want to keep spending money trying out different pillows or want to find a solution. This is because there is NOT just one perfect pillow for everyone. Each person has their preference. Soft, firm, thick, or thin. And to each person that specific answer will be correct. Pause for a moment – what kind of pillow did you prefer before you neck began to hurt? That answer is your natural preference. And anything markedly different probably will not feel right…meaning you won’t be comfortable and sleep with continue to be disrupted.

All that said, there are some tips to consider with respect to pillow (type) and neck pain.

1) Is your head supported with your current pillow? Meaning, does/do the pillow(s) push the neck up or allow the head to fall down into the bed. Ideally the head will rest in a “neutral” position. If not, how can you modify what you currently have to better support your head? This could be changing from 2 pillows to 1 if pushed up too high. Or you could try placing a rolled towel inside the pillow case if just a little more support is needed.

2) What is preferred sleep position? Does this position match with a position or movement that otherwise hurts when up and moving during the day? For example, if a person has pain turning their head and prefers to sleep on their stomach with their head sharply turned to one side – understand pain may be the result.  If so, then trying to find an alternate position (side or back) will likely be necessary. This will be a necessary challenge because most people do not like to deviate from their preference.

Before spending one more dollar on expensive pillows, do attempt some self-adjustments first. If they do not work and you are still lost not knowing where to turn or what to do, addressing the root cause of the neck pain should be of first-order importance. Addressing the pillow while important is often secondary to learning and treating the cause of the neck pain.

To find the root cause, a muscle and joint expert can help. To learn more on how to return to sleeping well by relieving neck pain, click this LINK to request a consultation.