That pulling IT Band pain

  • March 20, 2023

Are you suffering from a pulling IT band pain? A pain that is most annoying when walking up/down stairs or a hill? Or sometimes it is painful just walking or even sitting. Time to do something about that.

The iliotibial band (IT band) as it is more commonly referred to as is a tense fibrous tissue providing “stability” to the outer leg. This band of tissue runs from the outer hip to just below the knee. It helps to mesh the muscles of the front and back of the leg together and otherwise does not do much. It does not contract or move on its own, it just goes with the whole. However, many individuals may experience pain usually at either end. Often the IT band receives a bad rap and is blamed when it just happens to be a bystander in it all.

How you ask?

Well…since it goes with the whole, something above or below (hip or ankle) usually plays some role in the production of pain in the IT band. The increased stress or strain in the system can create “tension” in the system, resulting in friction and then pain. And this is how/why the IT band gets the blame placed upon it. Just because there is pain in an area does not mean it is the source.

A person can attempt to roll or stretch out the IT band but that will likely not help much. In studies they have found that the IT band does not lengthen or stretch. So why then do people try stretching the IT band? Great question.

So what can then be done?

Well…the solution is going to come down to exactly how a person moves and what their strength profile looks like. As commented on above, looking to address strength or mobility at the ankle and/or hip tends to produce the best results. This is done by improving the strength and movement patterns to reduce stress and strain coming across the IT band. How do you know which area is most important? This is where a muscle and joint expert comes into play to hunt the most likely factor(s) down.

Ready for help so that you no longer suffer from that pulling IT band pain? If so, click the following LINK to request a personalized consult to discover the primary cause and provide the solution for the pain.

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