The IMPORTANCE of Regular Muscle and Joint Check Ups

  • October 21, 2019

For those who have ever experienced a muscle or joint issue, the recovery process is not always straight forward. You may reach a point of feeling better but then stop doing what helped you to feel better in the first place. But then at some point in the future, the problem re-appears. Sound Familiar?

This is where adding in regular muscle and joint check ups can be hugely beneficial.

Far too often people do not continue what helped them to feel better, even though they were advised to continue. Reasons vary, but often it comes down to time. Where do we devote the time in our day? Or, it could be not fully grasping the overall importance of the program. 

Thus, a regular check up is useful in several ways:

  1. It serves to hold people accountable. People do not like to let others down. If a person knows they will be checked on something (like exercise) they are more likely to be compliant.
  2. Sometimes we humans simply forget what we are to do, how we are to do it, or even the purpose. By regularly checking back in with the person who developed a program for you, it serves to answers those questions and get you back on track
  3. Allows the opportunity to address small issues that creep back in. Too often people will wait and wait before addressing some issue. If they are already scheduled for a check up, they are less likely to push off taking care of a given issue. This way, that new or recurrent issue does not become more problematic.
  4. Booster sessions have been found to be helpful. Even for the person who may be feeling good, without any major (or even small) issues, data shows that booster sessions keep people moving forward. This data has demonstrated good results for those with something like knee arthritis, but will be applicable to many other issues as well.

The bottom line here is check-ups for the body, just like for our cars, are VALUABLE. Do not put off helping to make sure your body is moving in tip top condition.

If you have more questions about just how a regular muscle and joint check up could be helpful for you, please click on the following link to request more information.