My Back (Pelvis/Hip) is Out of Place

  • March 1, 2021

It is an unfortunate misconception a person is told their back/pelvis/hip is “out of place”. This myth has permeated mainstream thoughts and beliefs and is 100% UNTRUE. This issue just DOES NOT HAPPEN…without major trauma. If something was actually out of place a person would not be able to walk. For anyone who is able to walk into a medical provider’s office, nothing is out of place. It is important for the medical community needs to stop telling people this.

Through FALSELY spreading medical misinformation, the general public is not only confused but actually debilitated as a result. When people think and believe something is “out of place” it leads to fear and avoidance. Both these issues create disability and a dependence upon some “savior” to put something “back in place” that was never out of place to begin with. It is time to stop telling stories and acting like heroes and actually empower the individual. We need to help people by guiding them back into activity with facts.spinal adjustment

So, you may be asking yourself…what are the FACTS or the TRUTH about what is going on?

When a medical provider says something (back/pelvis/hip) is out of place – what they are really saying is that there is an asymmetry in the bony landmarks they are looking at. The issue here is clinician palpation and assessment of bony landmarks are at best only 60% accurate, possibly as low as 35%. There are numerous issues with the reliability and validity of each and every palpation and movement test performed. NO clinician can be 100% confident if based findings on palpation.

What this information MAY tell a clinician – again is there is an asymmetry not in the bony structure but the muscle system. Most often tightness/stiffness/or spasm of one muscle group relative to its opposite can result in the APPEARANCE of ASYMMETRY. This finding is what is commented on when a person is told their “whatever” is out of place.

But why then does stretching or manipulation (“that pop”) help?

Answer- Because that impulse to the system is like a control-alt-delete on your computer. It is merely a “reset” button that helps a person to move better in that moment…and then allows them to start doing active exercise again which is helpful and what they need. It really is that simple though few clinicians are bold enough to admit that.

These statements are BOLD and do run counter to the general belief…but that does not make them any less true. People need not fear pain – it is just telling us the body needs something- often times movement. Additionally, the medical community needs to stop spreading un-truths that can debilitate individuals and leave people searching for a savior.

The time is now for change to occur…to properly educate the public as to what is going on with their body and how to guide them to recovery.

Tired and frustrated that your back issue just won’t go away. Learn More about what is going on by requesting a FREE phone consultation to discover options to rid yourself of back pain.