Is there anything that can be done for scoliosis

  • September 28, 2020

For individuals with scoliosis, many often ask the question is there anything that can be done? And the answer is “it depends”…but probably yes.

Many factors go in to answering the question of what can be done to help someone with scoliosis. Things like strength, flexibility, degree of curve, current activity level and more go into determining what is possible.

That said, in a good percent of cases it is possible to improve strength, mobility and function while reducing pain experienced. In order to achieve these benefits, the person must be willing to put in time and effort…As this is necessary to create desired improvements.

Not only that, but a very prescriptive program will need to be enacted to attempt to reduce the impact of the curvature. This will include working to strengthen the one side relative to the curve while at the same time stretching the other. Generally we tend to exercise, stretch, and move symmetrically, but in this case asymmetrical exercise is necessary.

Another key factor not yet mentioned is to promote activity and cardiovascular fitness. Often people with pain or issues tend to pull back from exercise and fitness, which is the exact opposite of what needs to be done. Getting the heart rate going and those lungs expanding with exercise forces the rib cage to expand and be mobile. Stiffness and tightness of the rib cage will be the enemy of individuals with scoliosis.

It may also be necessary to alter the way in which a person sits or lays to promote “stretching” out one side of the curve and not feeding into unknowingly.

Determination of all these factors can be learned and developed in coordination with a health provider who regularly works with individuals with scoliosis. In short, there is hope for anyone with scoliosis to improve their mobility, function and pain.

Interested in learning the next step? If so, then click the link HERE to request a phone call to discuss the potential options available.