Why Physical Therapy 1st

  • October 18, 2021

For those with an injury or issue impacting daily life, they might ask the question Why Physical Therapy 1st?

The simple answer is because fast action leads to fast result. BUT…really they want to know more.

Many will ask the question, don’t I need to see my PCP 1st? And the answer is NO. PCPs are best at dealing with a person’s medical issues, not physical. You wouldn’t see an eye doctor for a foot problem, so why see a PCP for a muscle and joint problem.

Next, people routinely believe imaging is necessary to know what is wrong. Once again, not true. An x-ray or MRI is but 1 instance in time and does not tell the full story. Age related changes happen and are often wrongly attributed to a person’s pain. Additionally, data indicates many age-related issues are noted from the neck, shoulder, back, and knee but are not directly related to a person’s pain. How? There is a staggering amount of data showing high number of people without issues but have abnormal findings on imaging.

What about going to an orthopedic? Well…are you interested in an injection or surgery? If not, then you might not gain much from that appointment. This is not a knock on orthopedics but they are looking for issues to inject or operate on orthopedic issues, not managing impaired function. Rather time and energy could be better spent with a provider whose sole focus is on maximizing a person’s function.

This leaves you with seeking help from a muscle and joint expert.

Research indicates for many conditions, especially spinal pain, treatment is MOST effective within the 1st 6 weeks. This means getting started addressing whatever the issue is strongly advised.

If all roads are likely to take you to PT, why not start there (Physical Therapy 1st). Get a jumpstart on eliminating pain and increasing function.

Today is a great day to take action and overcome that nagging pain.

What to know more?

Check out this FREE resource on the Most common asked questions about PT