Are you avoiding exercise because of your knees?

  • September 26, 2022

Are you someone who avoids exercise because of your knees? Unfortunately, this is an overly common issue today. Far too many people do not exercise due to knee pain. Quite often when someone experiences pain, they start by self-medicating, avoiding activity, and maybe trying some exercise Dr. Google suggested. But is this the best path forward?

Often the answer is no. Complete avoidance of activity often results in several unhelpful events. To begin with the joint(s) will become stiffer. This will result in more discomfort or pain with movement. This then further leads to an even lower desire to be active. Next, avoidance will lower the muscle capacity (strength/power) over time. This often happens without realizing until one day something which was easy becomes hard. Then there is the endurance component. Inactivity leads to a lower muscle endurance or ability to complete a task for as long or as easily. When you add up these three components, a most undesired outcome emerges…long-term avoidance of exercise.

There comes a point where a decision happens to change the course of events. That point is a person deciding they no longer wish to be limited by knee pain.

What then is the best path forward…to not fall down the slope and resume exercise and feel good about it?

The answer – Address the root cause. Why do/does the knee(s) hurt in the first place? A skilled health professional will be able to determine this cause. From there, an action plan can be put in place to address the cause(s) such as range of motion, strength, endurance, etc.

The best path to start this journey is with a physical therapist as they are experts of the muscle and joint system. Their role is to guide people in pain back to an active lifestyle. From there, the individual will be shown exactly what is necessary to resume the activities they desire. From there, a good program will be developed along with suggestions for complementary exercise so maximum knee health and function happens for the long-term.

Are you ready to get back to exercise that you have been avoiding due to knee pain?

If so, then click the following Link to request a personalized consultation to outline the path forward again.