Can’t sleep due to back pain

  • August 26, 2024

Many people feel they can’t sleep due to back pain. It is a rather common complaint for those suffering. Often people question whether the issue is their mattress. This leads to many spending thousands of dollars trying to solve their problem by buying a new mattress. Sometimes a new mattress works to solve the issue. However, too often the back pain remains, frustrating the individual.

What happens next is a nasty cycle of disrupted sleep and continued pain. Because the person does not sleep well due to pain this results in chemical changes in the body leaving them more sensitive to pain. This sensitivity to pain can make it harder to get comfortable to fall asleep. And round and around the person goes; remember a cycle.

Well, if a new mattress does not work, and I am caught in the disrupted sleep pain cycle, what can I do?

The answer is to find the root cause of the problem…beyond the difficulty sleeping. By learning the reason for the pain, a plan can be enacted to work to solve the problem. This may include working on range of motion, flexibility, strengthening, endurance, or coordination. How do I go about finding out the solution as to what is necessary to work on?

Great question and one with a simple answer. Seek out a back pain expert, a skilled muscle and joint expert. This person will be able to thoroughly assess the problem and develop the best possible solution.

What you should know is that it may take some time and effort to solve the problem. The person will likely need to put in some work to resolve the problem. Do not become frustrated and give up too quickly. The human body, including the back is strong and resilient. Eliminating back pain is possible. And then you will no longer say you can’t sleep due to back pain.

Ready to solve your back pain so you can sleep better?

Click the following LINK request a consultation with a back pain expert.