What to do when you don’t like exercise?

  • July 26, 2021

Are you someone who does not like to exercise? Someone who comes up with every excuse possible not to exercise? If so, this post is for you.

There are those individuals who even though they know exercise is good, just cannot bring themselves to do it. It seems too hard. Their body may get sore for a few days so they don’t want to do it. Or they feel they are just too busy to set aside time to exercise…to do something good for their body.

Let’s just agree with the notion that exercise is good for the body. There are SO MANY benefits for the body by exercising: brain, heart, lungs, bones, and more. It is almost unfathomable to not exercise. But let’s stay focused here…what can be done when someone hates exercise?

Well…just…start…moving…for starters.

Too vague, I know.

How about starting with a walk. Everybody does it EVERY DAY. Now just do more of it.

Take a short walk before work, at lunch, or after work. Find a time…even just 10 minutes and walk. It is even fine if you walk a few minutes early and then a few minutes later in the day. What is important is getting the total time involved in physical activity up. And it can start with just a simple walk.

Don’t have exercise equipment or don’t want to go to a gym?

NO PROBLEM. You can begin with simple at home exercises such as squats, lunges, step ups, push-ups and more. And the best part is, NO equipment is needed – so no excuses. These are movements that can be done in as little as 2 minutes each. Your telling me you can’t find 10 minutes a day to move? Take that dead time watching commercials in the evening and move during them. In 1 hour you can get 2-3 minutes of 4-6 different exercises in. Easy Peasy.

From there start to slowly add more repetitions of each exercise and a few minutes of walking each and every week. And before long, you will develop new exercise habits. Once these new habits take hold, exercising will not feel like a hated chore anymore.

No more excuses. Exercise for your health so that you can enjoy many more years being active with those closest to you.