Difficulty Getting Up From a Chair

  • August 2, 2021

It is all too common for individuals to have difficulty getting up from a chair as they age.

The need to press up with the hands or pull on some other object or the need to take several attempts to rise are signs of trouble.

Now that the task problem is identified – What is the Reason? And better yet, what is the SOLUTION?

Difficulty getting up from a chair is typically related to weakness in the legs…the gluts and quads in particular. These muscles are essential in the stand up/sit down movements. Unfortunately this is a routine problem for older adult BUT…

It does not have to be that way. There are steps that can be taken to prevent this from ever happening OR even address it once present.

Strength is a use it or lose it thing. The good news is strength can be regained even once lost. That is provided the person is willing to work at it.

Every week I hear some version of the phrase “getting old is not for the weak”…meaning – it is important for people to be active and stay strong lest daily life becomes hard.

This is where getting active with a strength routine in middle age is important OR getting moving with one once a problem is recognized. Over time strength declines – it is just a part of normal aging. BUT…with some effort strength losses can be limited. AND strength can be regained.

The solution – a guided strength training program. This is the perfect time to visit a physical therapist, especially if more issues such as balance or falls are concerns as well. A program can be developed that will transition very well to at home exercise or even into a program with a personal trainer who can work side by side with the therapist.

Together positive strides can be taken that will greatly benefit the person so that they can remain active, mobile, and independent with daily life as they see fit for years to come.

So…the only question that remains is – what are you willing to do to prevent mobility troubles with aging?

LEARN MORE by requesting to speak with a professional today