Falls- Why they are not something to IGNORE

  • November 6, 2017

Every year, nearly 3 million people experience a fall related injury requiring medical attention. Now the medical attention could be as simple as a quick assessment for a superficial bump or scrape. However, falls could land someone in the hospital for a concussion or a broken bone.

Falls in the elderly, lets just say for the sake of argument here, over age (65) are highly connected to negative future mobility and independence issues, predict future falls, and can even increase a person’s likelihood of death within 1 year.

Do I have your attention yet? Have you or someone you loved experienced a fall and is in denial of their balance issues? Concerned about your balance and think something needs to be done?

If any of these statements above resonate then it is time to step forward and get proper balance and fall prevention training. Time to stop justifying the problem, as “oh I am always kind of clumsy”. That may be justifiable when you are 20, but not over 40 and especially over 60.

Falls can be a serious medical issue and are something that can be addressed and prevented IF a person is willing to work on it. Seriously though, what is stopping you or a loved one from getting help?

Whatever the excuse may be, it will pale in comparison to the consequences experienced after a fall. Once a fall happens, if a person is unscathed, they will be at a 50% increased risk of future falls. They very well may become more fearful of falling, and begin to restrict where they go and what they do. Is that a way to live, scared to fall again?

If a person does sustain a major injury (and they are older), it could land the person in a nursing home, unable to care for themselves. This is not something anyone wants for themselves or a loved one.

So what to do?

You have several paths here that could all lead to success.

  • Talk with your doctor about you issue and that you would like some help. They may be able to direct you to some resources to help.
  • Find a physical therapist who specializes in treating balance. Physical therapists are adept at helping people with balance troubles. They work to assist individuals to walk more quickly, safely, with better balance, and get back to enjoying life again.
  • Begin a program of thai chi or yoga (directed for individuals with balance issues). Both of these modes of exercise have been shown to reduce risk of falls.

Are you ready yet to address the thing that will protect and help you to maintain your independence and mobility? If you are great, but if not, what is holding you back? Click HERE for your free resource guide that outlines what to do after someone experiences a fall.