Why people are now choosing to pay cash for physical therapy.

  • October 30, 2017

In traditional medicine, when a person is injured they often try to treat themselves or call their doctor. After waiting days or weeks to see your doctor you get a 30 minute wait (if you are lucky) and then a brief 5 minute (if that) exam. You will be told to take some pills, go for some special (expensive test) like an MRI, told to just stop doing what hurts or maybe advised to go to an orthopedic. Then there is more waiting, more tests, more time and money (out of your own pocket), AND NO BETTER.

Worse yet, you may be told you need a painful injection (which may or may not help) and does not actually solve the problem or surgery. And what comes with surgery?- time off work, missing activities, pain, and sometimes in the end you are no better or worse off (I have seen it countless times). Researchers are actually beginning to find that in many cases surgery is NO better than rehab. (back,knee)

So why then are these methods still in practice?  Because the system is set up to maintain The STATUS QUO, regardless.

Are you tired of the current way you are treated inside the present healthcare model and ready for a change?

Are you frustrated with feeling like you are just a number in the system just waiting for some attention?

Did you know it is possible to bypass all this and head straight for a specialist physical therapist? These specialist physical therapists are trained to diagnose your problem and develop a program designed to meet your specific needs. All without the need for medications, injections or surgery. And the best part, in most cases you do not even need a prescription to see one.

“But don’t I need a test to tell me what is wrong?”

This is a very common belief, but in truth in a majority of cases that test DOES NOT AND WILL NOT tell any medical professional how to actually treat YOU. Why you might ask? Because data shows what we often find on these EXPENSIVE tests are actually normal age changes that simply do not link back to your primary problem….which is some difficulty completing tasks for daily life without pain.

Tell me…what is more important…having an expensive test (that you will pay for) to learn you have some age related change in your body that greater than 60% of the people your age have and are just fine OR having a hands on exam with a specialist who can actually help you solve the problem with movement, stretching, activity, etc? Maybe I am biased but I would choose the latter.

“But I had PT before and it did not work?”

Unfortunately that happens sometimes, but there are likely reasons for that. The primary reason is the way the system is set up. Most clinics must operate at a high volume to cover their costs. This is because insurance companies continue to provide less reimbursement for treatment meaning they must see more clients. As a result this means less time with YOU (the patient) and thus sub-optimal care. Not only that, but many insurance companies dictate the number of visits and treatment that can be performed. So, even if you may be seeing a good PT, they are told what the can and cannot do with you. This often and unfortunately results in failed care.

If you are tired of this and looking for an alternative then…

Bypass the system and head straight for a specialist physical therapist, even if they are “out of network.”

But why should I pay for PT when I have insurance?

Today, more and more people are choosing this option and paying for physical therapy directly because they are done with the hassle and want more time and attention. Many people assume this option is expensive, but when you consider all the false starts: numerous doctors appointments, tests, injections, medications, and failed treatments tried before it would be cheaper to start HERE. In fact can be far cheaper, saving you thousands of dollars in the long run, PLUS more of your TIME back.

Here’s How:

By going straight to a specialist physical therapist you will spend all your time (often an hour per session) with one and only one provider. This one provider care means working with someone who truly knows you and your problem. With this, fast adjustments to your program and can made leading to faster results. No hand-offs, there is no tech watching you do exercises you could easily do at home, only a highly trained expert in musculoskeletal care. I said time, Right? Well with these 1 hour 1-on-1 appointments, more is accomplished meaning you may only need 1 treatment per week vs. 3. How much is having 2-4 more hours in your week back worth to you?

Plus, these specialists work with you until your issue is fully solved and not just until your insurance says you should be good to go. See most issues may feel a bit better in a few sessions, but to make sure it does not come back, more time and sessions may be needed. By seeing a specialist physical therapist, they work WITH YOU, often spreading your visits out to meet YOUR needs and goals so that the problem does not come back. By fully addressing the whole problem and not just one tiny piece you will be saving yourself untold time and money.

Oh, and one more thing. People are able to directly submit to their insurance for reimbursement and many pay with their FSA or HSA plans. There are those who come simply because they want that 1-on-1 attention again. They want a personal relationship with their provider, not feeling like they are just a number.

If you are interested but not sure if this model of care is right for you, then lets have a conversation. It is not for everyone and that is fine, BUT more and more people are jumping on board for the personal touch and fewer hassles. To learn if this model is right for you before taking the next step call our office 717-440-6197 or CLICK to request your FREE no-obligation Consult. Isn’t your health worth at least a conversation?