Safe Summer Exercise

  • July 2, 2018

As we are now into the hot summer months, it is important to be safe with your outdoor exercise and activities. Just like in the winter months some adaptions need to be made for summer exercise/activity. Extra precautions should be taken relative to the sun and heat to keep one safe.

As our body heats up (or overheats) with exercise/activity, it puts more strain on the body and heart. This strain in Man Runningsevere instances can result in heat exhaustion or even heat stroke. With this in mind, individuals with cardiac or vascular issues may be more impacted by the heat. Some medications also come with warnings to avoid the heat because they may alter how a person regulates body temperature. Also, age can be a factor in the heat. It is often advised that the elderly and young avoid the heat because they may not be able to tolerate it as well.

You may be wondering, just what is the big deal about the heat and exercise? Well, each year an average of 97 people die due to heat related issues. Being aware of the signs and symptoms of heat related issues are important to keep one safe.

Signs that a heat related issues may be happening include: muscle cramping, fatigue, dizziness, vomiting, a strong bounding heart beat, excessive thirst, confusion, feeling overly flushed or in a worst-case scenario- you stop sweating. Should you feel effected by the heat (or take notices of someone struggling in the heat), get to a cool place and hydrate. If your concern is higher, contact a medical provider for further guidance.

Now just because it may be hot outside does not mean you cannot be active; it is just means it is time to take some extra precautions.

So…If you are exercising or doing outdoor activities in the heat, here are a few tips to keep in mind

  1. When possible attempt to exercise (or be active) early in the day or in the evening. Avoid vigorous outdoor activities between 10am-4pm when the sun is the hottest
  2. Wear light clothing that can “breathe”
  3. Use sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses to protect your skin, head/face, and eyes
  4. Drink plenty of fluids before, during, and after activity.

Now that you know the dangers and ways to prevent heat related issues, enjoy the rest of the summer safely.