What To Do After You Complete A Round Of Physical Therapy (To Avoid Regression)

  • July 9, 2018

Too often after people finish a course of physical therapy (especially when they feel better) will stop their program that helped them achieve their goal(s). Why is that? Lets just say it is human nature… They feel they are all better so no need to work. Or, they get “busy” with life and do not make their health and mobility a priority.

So What?

After all that time and effort, shouldn’t the individual what to make sure to do everything possible to keep that good feeling? When asked, almost to a person they will say YES, but that is not human behavior. Sure many individuals will be just fine and can go about their daily life without issues. But what happens all too often is the slow decline in function, mobility, or return of pain.

These folks will ignore, deny, avoid, or any other word you wish to replace what is happening to their body. Eventually, the pain or issue will ultimately force the person to face it resulting in a return to physical therapy or some other medical professional. And around and around they will go.

But it doesn’t HAVE to be that way….

There is another solution to the problem. One that will prevent that regression to the mean that happens to so many. That will help keep the individual on a path to less pain and more activity.

The path?…It is call continuing a program specifically designed for the person. AND/OR seeking guidance on the way out from physical therapy to get into a program best for you. This could be personal training, pilates, yoga, tai chi, or any number of options.

How do you know what is the right one?

Well, the answer to that is have a conversation with the physical therapist who by that point will know the person’s strengths, weaknesses, interests, goals, fitness, etc so that a solid recommendation could be made. Not sure if you will like an advised activity? Many places have trial classes at low or no cost to see if it is the right fit for you.

Still have questions? Not sure what would be good exercise for your body to keep it fit and healthy? Ask them? Email Andrew at Andrew@zangpt.com or call 717-440-6197.