Unable to Stand Up Tall (because of Back Pain)

  • November 5, 2018

Does your back pain leave you with feeling like you can’t stand up straight? Do you find it difficult to stand up from a chair due to your back? When you look in the mirror do you look crooked? Do you find it difficult to complete simple daily activities due to back pain. Are you unable to walk any distance because of back pain?

If you answered YES to any of those questions then action needs to be taken… NOW. What action you say…read on.

To begin with today is the day to make the decision to get help for your back. This problem is unlikely to go away on its own without some help. There are a few different reasons for any of those troubles, each one requiring a slightly different solution. The answer can and will be determined during a comprehensive hands-on exam. The GOOD NEWS IS, most back pain will get better with a little help. BUT, action needs to be taken.

A brief aside to share the story of Bob (pseudonym) and his back pain that left him leaning and bent to the left. So Bob arrived using a cane to help support himself, unable to stand straight or tall. See his body compensated for his pain back leaning to the left to escape the pain. He struggled for 4 weeks, getting worse every day. Bob saw his doctor who did an x-ray and MRI even though medical guidelines say not to. He was prescribed opioids, which never should have been done…nothing help.

Bob finally arrived, desperate for help. After a few minutes, his problem was discovered. A few exam tests later, he felt the first glimmer of pain relief in weeks. By the end of session one, he had hope again that his back would not hurt forever. A few sessions later, Bob was getting back to normal and determined to keep it from coming back again.

Bob’s story here is all too common. What we should take away is how important it is to get to the right person to help you sooner than later. Wait and see = wait for more pain.

Next, a few quick tips for at home (to ease some pain). 1) Ask yourself, do you feel better in standing, walking, or sitting? If for example the answer is standing or walking, do that and avoid sitting. 2) If sitting is uncomfortable, try placing a rolled towel at the small of your back for support. 3) If it hurts to bend down toward the floor, then sit down to put on your socks or tie your shoes.

Is this you or someone you know? Are you ready to stop hurting every day and get back to enjoying life again? If you are looking for some more tips to try at home, then Click HERE. Ready for more meaningful, personalized help, then ask to schedule your own Discovery Session to learn how to get your back BACK.