How you can SAVE MONEY (and time) by seeing a PT 1st for your Injury

  • October 29, 2018

Did you know that you can actually save money (and time) by seeing a PT 1st for your injury? Many individuals who have an ache or pain or injury feel they must see a doctor 1st. But will you find the answers to your problem? Will the doctor provide solutions…or rather just offer pills, send you for imaging, send you to another doctor, or worse nothing at all?

Most medical doctors are by training interventionists. At their disposal they have labs, imaging, medication, surgery or punting to another doctor. But is this what you need? Will this help you walk up the steps better because of knee stiffness? Will it help you to pick up your child or grandchild when your shoulder hurts? Will it solve why your neck or back started to hurt in the 1st place? Sure pills may take the pain away for a little while, but the problem really wasn’t solved.

An image of your body part may show age-related changes…but will that impact treatment? It has been reported by Herzog et al that radiologists cannot agree when looking at MRI findings of the same low back pain patient. The findings on the same patient by 10 different radiologist…49 different findings… How telling is imaging now??  What does happen is you enter into the medical system merry-go-round. And on the other side is nothing but uncertainity, numerous doctor visits without a solution, and mounting medical expenses.

Now you are probably asking yourself, how can seeing a PT 1st solve your problem and save you money (and time)? Well…to begin with, a PT will not be prescribing pills (to which people can become addicted to) or offering injections, both of which would just be a band-aide. Next, PTs will not be imaging you. It is widely reported that a large majority of imaging findings are just normal age-related variants that have no relation to pain or dysfunction (remember the stat above). Except in a very small percentage of cases, imaging does little but increase stress and anxiety – 2 factors known to increase pain.

Remember, just because you have insurance doesn’t mean they pay for all those tests and specialist visits. That bill will just show up weeks later. And while you were waiting weeks on end seeking a solution you only get worse. No, that won’t happen when you see a PT 1st for you ache/pain or injury. Why? Because your problem will begin to get addressed DAY 1. No sending you out to other specialists or for expensive tests (except in the most extreme of circumstances).

Numerous authors have investigated the cost difference of how people enter the medical system for back pain. Denninger et al found a costs-savings of about a $1500 difference if people went to PT 1st vs a medical doctor. In another study by Childs et al, they found nearly a $1000 savings for those individuals with back pain receiving care sooner than later. Clearly the data is mounting that PT 1st is a safe and cheaper option for back pain.

So, whether you have back pain or some other body part is hurting you, what are you waiting for? Why wait and spend more time and money only to end up at the same end point at the PT? Choose the muscle and joint experts 1st and save yourself time and money. Not sure your issue can be helped? Check out this FREE information book on all the issues PT can help. Or request your complimentary Discovery Visit to learn how your problem can be solved.