Why Do My Knees Crack and Pop

  • March 14, 2022

For those whose knee(s) crack and pop, they may be wondering why. Also, why do some folks with noisy knees complain of pain while others do not? There is a good bit to address here, so let’s get started.

First, why do some folks have knees that crack and pop? The answer is…just because.

Well, there is more to it, but there is no one clear reason, so let me explain further. Over time, changes in the body happen. Most of these changes are quite normal, while others we have some control over. Together though, these changes can lead to things such as noisy knees.



Changes include loss of joint fluid, loss of cartilage, reduction in strength, alterations in bony structure may be related. Additionally, factors such as body weight, tight or weak muscles, inactivity, past or present trauma or injury and there is your list of potential factors. But there is more…this development of noisy knees, knees that crack and pop, is not as simple as adding up a list of factors and trying to determine who it will be. That is because folks large and small, young and old have noisy knees.

Now to the pain question.

If you haven’t already guessed, this is complicated as well. There is not a good reason always as to why someone is more likely to feel pain than others. Again, factors such as body weight, strength, flexibility, current injury, and overall activity level play a role. And you may be thinking activity level relates to the person who does too much. That may be true, but the opposite also can be an issue. Those individuals who are sedentary may in fact be more likely to suffer.

Why???…because along with inactivity reduced strength, flexibility, and weight gain tend to follow. That, plus those individuals who are less active may have a different perception of pain. You read that correctly, those who are inactive tend to perceive pain differently.

So, these words here are probably leaving you with a bleak outlook. Like there is not much one can do to prevent or even overcome this issue. Well…there are potential things to be done…if one is willing to put in the work. But they are not things that can be done all by oneself. The best chance for success is by having a health professional guide you along the way. This is not your PCP. This is a muscle and joint expert (a physical therapist). A person who is trained to diagnose and solve issues people are having with their muscles and joints.

Want to learn more?

Click this LINK to find out just what might be able to be done to deal with knees that crack and pop.