Ready for winter sports season?

  • December 19, 2022

Ready or not the winter sports season is upon us. With this season comes a different set of sporting activities such as skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, hockey and more. The question is for those who enjoy these activities, are you ready? Have you put in the necessary work to prepare your body for the challenges required of those activities?

If so…great, but if not, there is still time. There is time to work on flexibility, strength, and/or endurance. Making sure you are fit in these three domains is important to avoid developing injuries.

But I’m experienced…I can just wing it…

That mentality may work for a person in their 20s or even 30s, but over time the body needs to be kept tuned up. It is important to maintain a level of strength and flexibility. Additionally, muscle and overall endurance is extremely important for activities such as skiing (downhill or cross country) or snowboarding. Why you might ask? Because injuries are more likely to occur later in the day or when fatigued as compared to when the body is “fresh”.

When the body becomes fatigued it is more likely for an “error” to creep into the muscle system. This can lead to excessive strain resulting in muscle or joint injuries. Or fatigue can reduce reaction time such that a collision with another outdoor enthusiast might occur. As a result, putting in the work now to improve muscle endurance is advised.

What if you do not feel ready because of a current injury?

Well…then there is no better time to get that issue looked at and addressed. It is important to remedy those aches or pains in advance of winter sports season. No one wants to be sitting at home while other family members or friends are enjoying their time outdoors.

Not sure what to do or show to see?

Then click this link HERE to discuss your concerns with a muscle and joint expert who will get you ready to enjoy your winter sports season.