Far too often I hear folks complain about their therapy experience. They use terms such as “factory”, “cookie cutter”, a “one-size-fits-all approach”. It hurts to hear these terms spoken about my chosen profession. That said, it is terms like these that lead people to my office. More importantly it should serve as a wake-up call. This call is not only those in my profession, but also to every person seeking treatment for some injury or issue.
Know this…All providers do not treat in that manner. AND you certainly do not deserve to be treated in that fashion. You as a consumer…as person with some injury issue or concern, has a right not only to choose your provider but receive high quality care.
If you could not already tell, I am not a supporter of any of those terms mentioned above. They do not serve any patient well. And…that includes those recently had some orthopedic surgery who are the ones most often spending time in those types of therapy clinics. Yes, some folks may do just fine in a large group open environment. That where the provider is juggling 3 or even 4 people at a time. Most patients have individual needs to address. As compared to just following “protocol”, providing the same standard exercises to all, or having people spend 3 days per week, doing the same exercises day in and day out.
People need to have their conditions assessed daily and adjusted accordingly. Their programs in the clinic should not be exactly the same as they do at home every single day, week after week. We need to do better as a profession and you need to demand as much.
I am not painting a very flattering picture here, BUT and pay attention to this, there are plenty of high quality, non-in-the-box treating and thinking therapists out there. There are plenty of us who only treat 1 person at a time…truly just 1. And with that lack of time juggling, we can provide exactly what each and every patient needs to achieve success.
It is time for 1 size fits all approach to treatment to end. We need to put our patient’s needs over insurance companies and the large corporations who run the clinics. Actions speak louder than words. If people (patients) want change, then it is time for action. Find yourself to a provider who does not fit the mold. Find someone who does not provide the cookie cutter treatments, and a facility that is not a factory.