You may be asking yourself what is the difference or benefit of True 1-1 care? How is it any different or better than working with a team of providers? Won’t or can’t my injury or problem get better no matter who I see?
Well, for starters, often when working with a team of “providers” – a good bit of time will be spent with support personnel. Meaning that time spent in rehab will be with individuals less trained in solving that problem (an assistant or tech). Wouldn’t you want to be working with the expert all the time?
Yes, any injury could, can, and may very well get better regardless…BUT over the course of what time frame and at what cost to you? Cost in terms of time invested away from family, work, etc. How do you value your time? Time in the context of months and months vs potentially only a few weeks. How much would it be worth to you to have your problem solved in 4 weeks as opposed to 12 weeks?

What is the benefit to YOU as a consumer, a person with some injury or issue that needs to be solve NOW?
To begin with it has been documented that working with 1 care provider to solve a problem tends to result in better and faster results. This means fewer visits to recovery and more time back to you for work and/or family things. Next, working with 1 person means they know your story and goals. No having to repeat yourself time and again. Also, who, in their busy schedule, has time to be seen 3x/wk when potentially one 1 hour session/wk would do. When you are able to dive directly in each session and focus fully with 1 provider, more can be accomplished faster. Finally, when something with your specific program isn’t going quite right, that primary provider is right there to quickly adjust and keep you moving forward. No more just following some general plan – you are always moving forward with a plan specific to you and your goals.
So what’s the benefit you say?
Benefit is in the eye of the beholder, but if you are looking for a more personal experience shown to produce better and faster results…then working with just one provider in a 1-1 setting is probably best. Curious? Want to learn more if your concern is likely to be helped working in a 1-1 care model, then click the following LINK and request a phone consult to see if it is right for you.