Why You Might Do Physical Therapy and NOT Get Better
Why is it that a person might do Physical Therapy (PT) and not get better? There are many potential reasons for this (which I will outline below), but that does not mean the next round…
Why is it that a person might do Physical Therapy (PT) and not get better? There are many potential reasons for this (which I will outline below), but that does not mean the next round…
In today's healthcare system, true 1:1 attention of provider with patient is increasingly rare. Why is this you might ask? One word...MONEY. That's right, in order for most healthcare businesses to make profits, they must…
Featured in THE BURG magazine January issue. It’s January, so everyone must share their perspectives on health/fitness and tell you how/why you must begin to exercise this year. Why must you/we/us wait until the turn…
When beginning a new exercise program (especially if you are “newer” to exercise) it is important to take it slow. Beginning a new type of exercise by jumping in with max effort is not wise.…
Zang Physical Therapy ~ 3514 Trindle Road Camp Hill PA 17011 ~ 717-440-6197, Fax: 717-388-4333 ~ andrew@zangpt.com ~