Neck pain is one of the most common reasons people seek medical attention or treatment. Each year about 10-20% of the population suffers with neck pain. Many neck pain sufferers go weeks, months, or even longer without finding a solution right for them.
People often attribute their neck pain to sleeping position, how they sit at their desk all day, or even some event that happened years before. But what really is the cause? Does it even matter? OR does it matter more if something can change to take away the pain? Most will say the latter, but still cling to what is the cause.
What you should know is that in most cases imaging of the neck is not necessary. Except in extreme cases, imaging of the spine only serves to cause fear in the individual due to reported “changes” in the spine, most of which are normal age-related findings. Worse yet, those who undergo imaging are more likely to receive injections or head toward surgery. Are those things you are interested in? If not then there is no need to push for these.
Many individuals with neck pain are seeking a solution to their problem so that they can resume daily activities. To assist this, here are the 3 most important things to do if you are suffering with neck pain.
- Movement is key. Even if moving your head/neck “hurts”, move your head as far as you can. If you avoid moving your head for fear of pain, it will only become stiffer and then it will hurt with even less movement. Sometimes the fear of pain is worse…so just move it
- Do not allow yourself to get stuck in one position for more than 30-45 minutes. For those who spend a good portion of the day sitting (and working on a computer) it is easy to get focused on what we are doing at the expense of our body. Sitting at a desk in and of itself is not the problem. It is the not getting up to move the body regularly that slowly builds strain on neck and spine. Set a timer, get up and walk even if it is for 2 minutes. This will help reduce strain and pain AND in the end your productivity will not suffer (because think of all that time wasted sitting at your desk in pain unable to focus).
- Get professional help by seeing a physical therapist. If numbers 1 and 2 do not help within 7-10 days, seeking care from a professional skilled at helping people live without neck pain is advises. Data shows a combination of hands-on care plus exercise is most helpful for people living with neck pain. And the good news is that in many cases one can go straight to a physical therapist without having to see their doctor
There you have it…the 3 most important things to do if you have neck pain. If you are looking for even more solutions, then click HERE for more free advice. There are many reasons for neck pain and each is likely to require a different solution. There is no substitute for a professional evaluation but these suggestions are a good start.
Are you ready to start living again without neck pain?