Has the phrase “I am afraid to bend down because of my back” ever entered your mind? If it has, know that you are far from alone. One of the most common beliefs of those with back pain is that bending down is a problem. Not only that but once a person has previously had back pain, they think they can NEVER bend over safely again. These believes are not exactly true…So, let’s try to clear up some details here.
For starters, yes if someone has back pain, it may very well hurt to bend down. But the fact that it hurts does not necessarily mean to not perform the movement or activity. A body part hurting does not equal harm (to the body). Our body (spine) is made to move and move it must. If we avoid moving the body or particular joint due to pain it will become stiff. This stiffness will in turn make the movement feel tighter and more sore…and the cycle continues. We must move the body even if it hurts to help it move more normally. This does not mean to do 100 toe touches through pain, but to modify the movements into that motion that the body can do. In this case, it could be sitting in a chair and bending down or laying on back while pulling one knee to chest. It also does not mean for ever and always. Eventually you will need to teach your body to bend over again to complete many daily tasks.
Next, the pain a person experiences is a signal to pay attention, not stop. It is our body’s way of telling us to temporarily use caution. Think of it like the warning light in your car telling you to take it to a mechanic for a diagnostic workup. Only most people ignore the warning light and keep living life. Some may get lucky, and the warning light was just a glitch in the system that quickly resets. However, for most eventually the warning light will make the person go in for service (seeking medical help). But when does this step happen?
For many, they will wait and see (remember wait and see equals wait and suffer). People will wait weeks or months hoping it will go away or trying to solve the problem on their own. Using heat, taking pain meds, trying all kinds of “stretches” found on the internet. But what happens when it does not work? How much time is lost, and suffering has occurred? Way too much.
The solution involves several steps
1) Keep moving. Do not avoid movement altogether.
2) If bending over when standing hurts, find another way to bend the spine (sitting or lying down)
3) When you find a movement that feels good- keep doing it. Use this to open the door for other movements to feel good again
4) Do not wait to get help. Faster action equals quicker results. Get your tune-up when the warning light comes on quickly. In this way, you learn what is wrong and how to deal with it. That plus, you learn that motion is lotion, sore but safe and hurt does not equal harm. And…you do not have to avoid bending for the rest of your life. Modify in the immediately and get back to life fully before long.
Ready to take action now? If so, CLICK this LINK to request a tune-up