The Importance of Hydration

  • July 5, 2022

Now that we are moving into the hot part of the summer, proper hydration is important. This is vital not only because the body tends to sweat more in the heat, but because water comprises nearly 60% of our body.

Obviously, water is vital for the survival of the body. Many of the key organs are made up of greater than 75% water. So clearly hydration is crucial.

Beyond the obvious necessity to replenish fluids, there are many important benefits of hydration.

To begin with, water helps the body to regulate its temperature. Heat stroke can happen as a result of spending too much time in the heat not properly hydrating. This is a serious medical emergency. It is also a reason to hydrate and be mindful of vigorous activity in the heat.

Staying Hydrated

Another key benefit is keeping joints lubricated. As the body ages, joints are not filled with as much fluid. This leads to the feeling of stiffness, especially in the morning as any older adult will tell you. So, in an effort to reduce some of that morning stiffness, make sure to drink an extra glass of water each night.

Not to be forgotten are the benefits for the brain, including cognition. That’s right, lack of water can have a negative impact of brain function including memory. Additionally, water helps to maintain blood volume and balance electrolytes. Proper maintenance of these variables is vitally important for the health of not only the brain, but the body as a whole.

If these facts have not convinced you yet, here are a few more of the benefits of staying hydrated:

  • Sleep quality
  • Mood
  • Removing waste from the body
  • Preventing infections

Truly there is not a system in the body that does not depend upon water and hydration.

You may have heard a person needs about 8 cups of water per day, but the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine reports adequate daily fluid intake is: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men. About 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day for women.

Now for someone who is not a big water drinker it will be hard to make major leaps in intake. So, start small by adding an extra glass of water. After a few weeks that should not be hard and then the next glass can be added in.

Take steps this summer to improve the health of your body by drinking more water.

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