Outside of the hip/leg/knee pain is often associated with IT band pain. The iliotibial band (IT band) is a line of connective tissue on the outside of the thigh running from the hip to the knee. It helps to “connect” the muscles on the front of the leg with the back. It is a rather dense fibrous tissue that does not stretch – it has been tested in the lab. Now knowing the tissue that is irritated is one thing, but how to solve the problem is another.
One of the most often remedies attempted is to roll out or stretch the IT band. But as mentioned above it does not stretch. You can try but it will just stare right back at you. Rolling it is fine but again the tissue is unlikely to change much. Some like foam rolling and others will find it painful.
Another method used by some providers is a variation of the above – scraping or using some tool. Again, painful and there is no evidence out there that the actual IT band tissue will change as a result.
So, what is a better option? Look at the rest of the leg and how it functions. Often key elements include addressing strength and/or mobility of the hip and ankle. And most people will be like it is my knee that hurts not my ankle or hip. True, BUT how the foot functions impacts up to the knee. And lack of hip strength can also negatively affect the knee. Observation of how a person performs a step up or down or squat can provide clues as to the key elements to address.
Does footwear matter? Sometimes. This can be learned through observation/analysis of walking with/without shoes to see how the whole lower body functions. This influence goes back to strength and mobility.
Bottom line – if a person feels they are deal with IT band pain it is wise to address all the components to find relief. Not sure where to begin? Try clicking HERE to connect with an expert who can guide you through the process…and be done living with IT band pain.