Is Rehab Necessary for an Ankle Sprain

  • June 3, 2024

Ankle sprains are quite common.  Yet many wonder if rehab is necessary for an ankle sprain? Many will feel they can just “walk it off”. But what they may not be aware of are the subtle changes that happen…even with a seemingly minor sprain. It is these small changes that can lead to repeat sprains or other chronic issues.

But it no longer hurts to walk, and I can do everything I want? Maybe so, BUT would you like to avoid another sprain…potentially a more severe sprain?

Even with a minor ankle sprain there is a stretch to the ankle ligaments. These ligaments do not necessarily tighten back up even when non-painful. As a result, a person will likely have some increased mobility in the ankle. At face value this is not a problem. BUT over time this extra motion, if not compensated for can lead to the chance for another sprain (more easily). And it will be this 2nd or 3rd sprain where greater damage to the ankle will happen and create greater issues functionally. And it is with repeated sprains that chronic nagging ankle issues can develop.

What can I do to prevent future ankle sprains?

There are a few key items including maximizing range of motion, improving ankle strength, and maybe the most important factor is working on balance and proprioception. By addressing these three elements a person will reduce their risk of re-injury.

Couldn’t I just do the work on my own?

Well…you could…but will you? Even when people are shown what to do, they are unlikely to do it…IF they do not hurt or someone is not guiding them. It is human nature. Once most people feel fine, they stop doing what is necessary. It is the time once a person feels fine again that the REAL work needs to be done to prevent future issues, especially the balance work.

For those individuals looking to prevent future ankle issues the time to act is now. It is possible to regain strength, mobility, and balance if one is willing to work. To get your questions answered and learn more, click HERE to request to speak to an expert who can outline a path forward.