Surgery, the last resort for back pain

  • August 12, 2024

Surgery for back pain should always be the last resort. No one should ever rush into a surgery (unless a medical emergency) as there is no going back from the procedure. Once a person’s normal anatomy is changed, it will never be the same again. While one problem may have been addressed with the surgery, another one is likely to appear in the future. Long-term data suggests that a large majority of people who have back surgery will have another procedure within 10 years. Not great odds.

But “my pain is so severe” or “my doctor says I have a herniated disk” or “my doctor says surgery is the only option”. What if I told you that over 50% of people over age 40 have a herniated disk but no pain? How can some people have a supposed disk issue but have no pain while others do have pain? It suggests that images of the spine DO NOT tell the whole story. And it is time to stop over-imaging the spine. Imaging should be done for very specific reasons, not just because someone has back pain. And that is because if one goes looking for something they will find a way to explain everything from a picture whether it really is a problem or not.

What if you knew your body has the potential to heal itself? Studies have shown that given time, the body has the potential to heal that supposed disk issue. Repeat MRIs have shown positive change over time with disk issues that supposedly would not get better without surgery…but did anyway.

So, if not surgery, what then? Anything and Everything else starting with seeing a muscle and joint expert (a physical therapist). Any time a person is suffering with back pain for more than 3 weeks they should seek care from this person. Allow them to help guide you back to improved movement, function, and less pain. Just because something hurts does not mean you are harming it…so MOVE IT. This expert will help you to avoid the pitfalls that ultimately lead folks down the path toward potentially unnecessary surgery. Yes, there are a few select reasons for surgery, but they are the exception not the rule.

Now is the time to address your back concerns. This includes those who previously had back pain and may have concerns that it will re-appear. Take the time to learn the necessary steps to overcome the pain and then prevent it from coming back.

Ready for help?

Click the following LINK to connect with an expert who will help guide you to better movement and less pain.