Is It an Ache or Pain?

  • October 28, 2024

Many often wonder whether what they are feeling “is it an ache or pain”? They are not sure whether it will pass or whether they are going to need to get some help. There are some signs to know, so let’s discuss each in brief.

“An Ache”

Often an ache will be low level. It will not be overly distressing or limiting from an activity standpoint. This means you will be able to do what you want, but with some soreness. An ache tends to be a little more widespread over a muscle grouping vs pinpoint. The ache may develop after beginning a new exercise program or movement. This new challenge to the muscle can produce soreness or ache. Generally, this will fade with movement or activity and over the course of a few days. It also may appear if you all of the sudden did a full day or weekend of house or yardwork. This unusual volume of activity for you can result in feeling it for several days.


Pain, on the other hand, tends to be more specific and has a different quality to it. Frequently there is an episode or event that is a specific trigger for the pain. An example is a person bent down to pick up a heavy plant pot and then they experience a sharp pain in their lower back. Typically, people will describe a pain as sharp, shooting, deep, burning, or other adjectives. In most cases people can point to a specific area of pain when asked. If pain persists it can seemingly spread over time. This is a more complex issue related to chronic pain.

Regardless of whether it is an ache or pain, something can be done. If you believe it is an ache, active movement is good. If going for a walking, getting the blood pumping reduces the ache or soreness then keep going. If on the other hand movement or activity seems to provoke the issue, then it may be more of a “pain”. In that circumstance then getting help is the best course of action.

What help you ask?

Why a muscle and joint expert. This health professional will be able to assess and diagnose the issue. And then provide you with a plan of action to eliminate that pain. Not sure where to start?

Click the following LINK to connect with an expert today who can help you get out of pain.
