For individuals who experience numbness or tingling into their arm or hand many often ask why? Where is it coming from?
To better answer this question, more questions need to be asked and an examination completed to determine the most likely source. The reason for this is, depending on where the symptoms are located may determine the most probable source.
Generally speaking, our bodies are wired middle out. Meaning what happens closer to the midline of the body has the potential to impact out (i.e. neck issues could cause arm trouble, often not the reverse). This means that if someone is experiencing an issue with their hand, something in the elbow, shoulder or neck could be factor. In order to learn the true source, a proper examination must be performed.

But back to the first question, what is the numbness or tingling? Often this sensation is the result of some compression or irritation of some nerve pathway. This could be a true compression, think pinching off a garden hose. Or it could be the individual is dealing with some swelling or inflammation which takes up some space near a nerve pathway. A final cause could be the pathway itself sustained a strong stretch such as having the arm yanked while walking a dog.
Any time the nerve is involved, the end result in terms of what an individual feels remains in question. The good news is that in many instances, treatment can be done to reduce swelling or compression thereby easing the tension in the system to ultimately reduce or eliminate the numbness or tingling.
What kind of treatment are we talking about here? Certainly some amount of gentle range of motion for the involved area is in order. This will stimulate blood flow, which is necessary to reduce swelling. It also can act as a calming stimulus for the nerve. There are also some gentle nerve stretches that are shown to be helpful to reduce strain and ultimately the numbness.
Does this sound familiar? Tired of dealing with numbness or tingling? Not sure where to start?
Try clicking HERE to ask for a phone consult where you can ask your questions and learn more today.