Repetitive strain injuries in the elbow can be quite bothersome for daily activities. Whether it is the inside or outside of the elbow we are talking about, no one wants to deal with an injury. Often the inner elbow issue is called Golfer’s elbow while the outer side is Tennis elbow. But just because these injuries are associated with sports does not mean they only impact people playing sports. Any person doing a job or task that is repetitive in nature is subject to these types of injuries.
Did you realize that typing all day could cause elbow pain? Or that gripping, twisting, and squeezing can lead to elbow troubles?

Its true. Any repetitive motion or activity has the potential to lead to troubles. To avoid this, there are a few potential steps to take.
- Stretch out the wrist, forearm, and finger muscles. This will prevent too much tightness which can lead to discomfort
- Make sure to change up the activity with your hands routinely. Rotate the tasks doing with your hands to change up the muscle activation pattern
- Move your body regularly. Get up, take a break, do something different with your hands. This will allow those muscles to relax and recharge to continue doing more work while not hurting.
Many might think that well…my job requires a lot of repetitive tasks. That is ok, all that needs to be done is to make sure to use the other muscles in the arms just enough to balance everything out. That’s right – our body needs balance. Provide that and the risk for repetitive strain injuries reduces.
So, fear not. Many repetitive strain injuries are avoidable with just a little bit of work for anyone. But if an injury should develop, don’t worry…just reach out for some help and guidance to get you through.
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