Let’s face it, no one wants to deal with back pain, yet many (most) make back pain mistakes that cause their pain to last longer than necessary.
Just what are those mistakes?…Read on.
Number One – rest. Too often people think rest means DO NOTHING. Doing nothing is just about the worse thing that can be done. Our bodies are made to move and if we don’t move then our bodies tend not to feel good. The body gets stiff and achy. (Think about how you feel when you are sick and just lay around for 2 days.) Now translate that to a person with a sore back (who may already be a little stiff) and then add to that more stiffness from inactivity. Movement is important. This does not mean do anything and everything, but get moving – even just a walk is good

Number Two – masking the pain with medication day after day. Yes, pain medication can help take the edge off and help you get through the day, but it does not solve the problem. And taking pain medication more than direct by the bottle can actually do some harm to the kidneys or liver depending on medication taken. So, if taking medication for than 1 week, it is really time to get to the bottom of the issue.
Number Three – Those pain-relieving creams and braces seen on TV. Do they really solve any problem or just put a band aide on? In most cases it is the 2nd part. Again, our bodies are meant to move and when we start limiting that (with braces), it is not helpful. And think about the chemicals that can enter the body when using creams. Even though not swallowed like pills, creams can be absorbed into the bloodstream as well. Solutions – not band aides are necessary to get rid of back pain

Number Four– x-rays and MRIs do not help back pain. This runs counter to everything people believe about advanced imaging. BUT data indicates advanced imaging does not help treat normal back pain AND actually worsens care and outcomes. HOW? We cannot un-see images. The moment most people see something reported as “abnormal” on imaging they become worried and fearful of the future. (These emotions due not help heal back pain). Like they are doomed to some pre-determined outcome. In truth EVERYONE over the age of 30 will have some “finding” on imaging, but most will be just fine and have no pain. We do not need to fear an image of the spine. (Think of changes on image like gray hairs or wrinkles). Plus, once imaging happens, the individual is more likely to then get injections, consider surgery, and overall use more medical services. In the end, there is no need to push for any advanced imaging unless a doctor truly finds something seriously abnormal with their physical exam.
Number five – waiting weeks and weeks to get help for back pain. Data indicates that getting help for back pain in the 1st 6 weeks leads to better response to treatment. Even better still is treatment within the first 3 weeks. But most cases of back pain will resolve within 3-4 weeks anyway, so for those inclined to wait a bit – that is fine. BUT if your back is showing no signs of improvement in 3-4 weeks, it is time to get to the source of the pain with professional guidance.
There you have it…the 5 MOST common Mistakes people with back pain make. Ready for a SOLUTION?
If so, let’s talk and find the right SOLUTION FOR YOU. Click the link HERE to request a phone consult