Bending backwards for back pain relief

  • March 3, 2025

Have you ever felt like bending backwards for back pain relief was the thing to do? At times bending backwards absolutely can be pain relieving, but not always.

Back pain is a major epidemic in this country. Everyday millions of people suffer from back pain. Work is missed and activities with friends and family are cancelled due to pain. So, what can be done to end the suffering? How can I know what will take the pain away?

Well, certain postures or positions of pain or comfort can/will be a guide. Those who find standing or walking is best for their pain, back bends may just be the ticket for relief. It may initially feel stiff or sore to bend back. But if after a handful of repetitions the pain reduces or goes away altogether, keep it up. Chances are more can be of further relief. Now just how long that relief lasts will be person specific. You may find you need to perform back bends every hour or two. If that is what is necessary to keep the pain at bay – do it. Do not allow the pain to increase and reach a level that becomes intolerable.

If the pain increases or spreads then it likely is not the best approach for you. In that case you may need to consider alternative movements.

For those who find sitting is the most comfortable or relieves the pain. Back bends probably will not feel great…at least initially. Ultimately you will want to be able to perform them, but that this movement in time more flexion-based activities are likely to be relieving. This may including reaching down to your toes (standing/sitting) or pulling one or both knees to your chest when lying on your back.

If neither flexion nor extension (back bends) helps then we need to consider if you are able to stand up tall. Do you feel hunched over for leaning off to one side? If the answer is YES then a 3rd approach will be necessary. To begin with it will be necessary to get you fully upright. What should be done in that case? Well, these cases involve more finesse work. Having a professional eye on the situation is more likely to get you to the proper solution without just guessing.

Regardless of what position or movement feels best, it is wise to seek help from a muscle and joint expert. This health professional will be able to accurately determine the source of the pain and be able to develop the best plan of action for you.

Do not become another low back pain statistic. Getting treatment within the 1st 6 weeks reduces the chance of the problem becoming chronic. Ready to get moving again without pain? Click HERE to connect with a muscle and joint expert today who can help you get back in the game.

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