Energy…a key element that many find lacking in their day. People will try just about anything to have more energy. Drinks, supplements, and more are tried at the cost of hundreds or thousands of dollars each year by some individuals. But what if there was another way that cost far less? Would you be interested? Of course. So here are 4 things to boost your energy that cost little or nothing.
- Getting enough sleep is something that far too many people fail to achieve. Every person has a reason for their poor sleep (quality)….because quality sleep is what is important, not just time lying in bed not sleeping. Google better sleep and you will find hundreds of suggestions for better sleep. In the end, if you are looking for more energy, getting better sleep should be at the top of your list.
- You get out what you put in. If you are not fueling your body well, do not expect it to put out for you. This does not mean following any specific diet plan. There are pluses and minuses of many of the diets out there. It means that you should strive to eat a reasonably well-rounded diet. You do not need to avoid all sweets or fats or carbs or whatever, rather do so in moderation. If you are regularly fueled by soda, chips, and cake – don’t expect much energy in return. Want more specific guidance in this arena? Then find a dietician or nutritionist to help.
- Yes exercise. True, exercise does take energy. Once you get in the routine of regular exercise you may be surprised at the boost it provides. This may take a couple of weeks, but once you are in the habit of exercise you will actually feel more sluggish on days you do not exercise than days you do. You can pick any form of exercise you like…from walking, lifting weights, taking an exercise class and more. Not sure where to start? If you have health concerns – begin with your doctor. Have injury issues – start with a physical therapist. Otherwise healthy but just don’t know where to start – a personal training can become your doorway to exercise. The only wrong answer is to do nothing.
- YOU TIME. That is right, it is important to take “you time” every day. With all the stress and strain of work and family life, YOU often take a back seat. You do not take the time necessary for your body to rest and recharge. So it is important that you start to find the time. Even 15 minutes is a great start. Take this time to do something you want. This can be anything…read, meditate, go for a walk, stare blankly at a wall. It does not matter. What does matter is providing yourself some time alone without thinking of others for a few minutes each day. It is not selfish. If you lack energy and good health, what good are you to others.
Here you have it…4 things to boost your energy. Addressing any one is likely to help some. Work on all 4 and you will be amazed at the energy boost you get.