When individuals suffer from burning between the toes, there are a few possible causes or sources. As a result, several different medical professions could be involved in diagnosing the problem. These professions include a podiatrist, physical therapist, or PCP among other disciplines Regardless, well-fitting shoes and seeking care sooner than later to get a proper diagnosis and plan of action is advised.
Let’s now walk through some of the most common possible diagnoses and treatment options

Photo Credit: VeryWell Health
1) Morton’s Neuroma – This is an irritation of the nerve bundles between the bones in the feet. At times when a person loses their front of foot arch, the bones will “shift” a bit closer together. As a result, this “shift” can put increased pressure onto the nerve bundles and result in numbness, tingling, or burning when walking. Typically, any sensations will go away when pressure is off the feet. This diagnosis is very common and one that can be diagnosed easily by many professions. The treatment often involves wearing well-fitting (roomy) shoes, possibly orthotics, physical therapy to instruct in mobility and strengthening exercises for the feet. In the most severe cases surgery may be necessary.
2) Peripheral Neuropathy – This condition often appears without a cause. However for others it could be a result of conditions such as diabetes. This diagnosis will often be arrived at after visiting several health professionals while they work through a series of tests, including possibly an EMG/NCV, to be sure. From a treatment perspective, the most common avenue is medication of some variety. These medications have varying degrees of success. Additionally, good shoes and aerobic exercise (walking) is advised to stimulate blood flow in attempt to promote nerve health.
3) Referral from the lower back – That’s right, it is possible for pain to be referred from the low back to the feet. There are instances where irritation of the nerve pathway running from the back to the foot can produce pain at the far end of the line. This issue is frequently diagnosed by an individual’s PCP, an orthopedic, or a physical therapist. In this case, several treatment options are available. The best 1st option is seeking care from a physical therapist to work on active motion and nerve mobility to reduce and abolish the pain. Should that not work, injections or steroids are medical options to consider. Regardless, the prognosis is pretty good though it may take a couple of weeks to months for resolution.
While this list is not fully inclusive, these are several of the top reasons for individuals to have burning, tingling, or numbness between the toes. The good news is treatment options are available for those tired of suffering with those complaints.
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