Every year, millions of individuals diagnosed with spinal stenosis. Many will ask the question, can it be helped?
Lets start by 1st defining what spinal stenosis is. Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal canal. This is the opening through which the spinal cord passes down. Normally there is plenty of space, however, when this opening narrows, a variety of issues could appear. This issues will depend upon location and severity.
Spinal stenosis is a slow progressing condition often impacting individuals later in life. Common complaints include: heaviness in the legs, numbness/tingling, a sense of weakness, and reduced tolerance for walking. Over time these issues may worsen. Generally these symptoms will predictably improve with the person sitting or bending over. Sitting or bending will open up space in the spinal canal again. These are the folks who walk leaning forward bent over pushing a cart as it is more comfortable than trying to walk standing tall.

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This walking bent over a shopping cart or limited tolerance for being upright does not have to be an inevitability.
So, what can be DONE to HELP?
1) Work on endurance. Conditioning the leg (and back) muscles via some form of cardio is important. It is fine if the individual can only start with a 5 minute walk. The goal over time is to walk longer and/or more frequently during the day. The total time exercising the muscles is what is key. If walking is too much, cycling or even swimming are great alternatives.
2) Strengthening. That’s right. Working on hip and back strengthening in particular is hugely helpful. It is necessary to keep the muscles responsible for keeping the body upright in the best shape possible.
3) Range of motion. Often as a person ages, the body and joints will stiffen. This stiffness is known to further exacerbate issues such as stenosis. Thus learning a mobility program is important.
4) Hands-on care by a professional. This one is very important. Having a professional help move the body and teach one how to move themselves is KEY for success.
Now each of these items is important and together produce the best results. In addition, early treatment is recommended for optimal success. By addressing any small deficits or issues early, the potential to ward off more serious issues is present. The longer a person waits and more symptomatic they become, the more difficult it is to stop or reverse the deficits.
If you or someone you know is suffering with spinal stenosis, it is important to seek help sooner than later.
To get your specific questions answered on how to improve ones mobility and function in the presence of spinal stenosis, please fill out this QUICK FORM requesting a FREE phone consultation. On this call all your questions will be answered and can begin to plan the best action steps to move and feel better.