Ask yourself, can you get up off the floor? This is an important question to ask, especially if you are an adult over 50. Why do you ask? Because if you cannot get up off the floor it means you do not have the necessary strength or power. That plus what happens should you trip and fall? Or what about a loved one?
This concept is vitally important for aging adults. The CDC reports an average of 36 million falls happen each year in older adults. That is a lot of having to get up off the floor. Some of these falls result in more significant injury requiring emergency treatment. Worse yet over 30,000 deaths are reported as a result of falls annually.
First and foremost, the goal is to avoid falls altogether. But if a fall happens people need to get up. The only way to get up is to have the strength to do so. That or call for help. And here is an interesting thought, the stronger a person is, the less likely they will be to fall in the first place.
As an experiment get down on the floor. Where did you choose to do this? Were you close to furniture or did you have the confidence to get down in the middle of the room? Then stand back up. How easy or not was it? Did you have to grab onto furniture for assistance?
You should be able to get up off the floor without furniture or the assistance of another. If help is required, there is work to be done. Just because you may be aging does not mean you should not stay strong or regain strength. Staying strong or working to get stronger in addition to working on your balance are vital aspects of better aging.
If help was required to get up or if you found it difficult, then it is time to do something about it. The time is now to have an assessment of your physical abilities. Learn the steps you can take to be stronger, avoid falls, to get yourself up off the floor, and to age more gracefully.
To learn more, Click HERE to request a call with an expert