For many individuals with hand symptoms (pain, numbness, or tingling) they ask the question “do I have carpal tunnel syndrome”. The answer may or may not be yes as more information other than just symptoms into the hands is needed.
The entirety of the symptom presentation is necessary. This includes are there any symptoms higher into the arm, shoulder, or neck. Generally speaking, a true carpal tunnel syndrome should only appear in the thumb, index and middle fingers on the palm side. If/when symptoms appear elsewhere, there is a higher likelihood of something else going on. That said there is the potential for two problems to be layered on top of one another…thus the person may experience symptoms in more than one location.
Often the hand symptoms will come and go initially. You may find that “shaking” your hand will make the symptoms disappear. That is one of the possible signs. Additionally, feeling that the hand symptoms are worst at night, especially if you sleep with the wrists “curled”. As time passes though the hand symptoms may begin to increase and become more regular. Provided the symptoms come and go there does not need to be a major concern. At this point, there are some great treatment options available. However, the longer the hand symptoms persist becoming more constant then the level of concern rises. This is especially true if a person notices loss of thumb muscle bulk and they start having trouble with fine motor tasks (tying shoes, buttons, etc). When that level is reached, the potential need for surgical intervention rises. But before that point, conservative measures can be effective.
Conservative measures you ask? Yes…treatment from a muscle and joint expert can be effective at relieving symptoms. Treatment options may include: wrist stretches, nerve glides, and more. Not sure if this might work for you? Then click the following LINK to request a phone consultation where an expert can learn more about what is going on.