Why imaging of your spine does not tell the story
Many of the patients who come to see me with spine (neck or back) problems in particular already had imaging. Most if not all come in saying "I have arthritis" or "I have degenerative or…
Many of the patients who come to see me with spine (neck or back) problems in particular already had imaging. Most if not all come in saying "I have arthritis" or "I have degenerative or…
I have been doing some reading lately after having discussions with people about whether exercise is helpful or harmful for those in pain. Do a search on Exercise and Pain and you will get back…
There has been a lot of media attention toward prescription pain medication lately. The focus has been on the unnecessary over-zealous prescription of opioids. The problem is not only the addiction they can cause, but…
Any time someone undergoes surgery whether arthroscopic, minimally invasive, or otherwise, proper post-surgery rehab is a must. Many think, I can just walk it off or I can do it myself. How wrong those individuals…
Don't let the title fool you...This message is really geared for those younger than 65. Because disability does not just turn a switch and appear at age 65. What you do in the 5, 10,…
Tell me- - How many of you are satisfied with the current state of health insurance? HIGH deductibles and/or co-pay and co-insurance... Leaves many thinking about how to avoid the medical system altogether (to avoid…
In the U. S. hundreds of thousands of individuals undergo joint replacement surgery annually (over 770,000 combined hip/knee). The actual number of joint replacements needed is probably significantly less. That is if individuals are proactive…
Zang Physical Therapy ~ 3514 Trindle Road Camp Hill PA 17011 ~ 717-440-6197, Fax: 717-388-4333 ~ andrew@zangpt.com ~